enlighten your life

"The journey of a thousand miles
begins with one step."
~ Lao Tzu
who do you want to create today?
Begin with
Small steps
Our reality
Course Catalog

8 Weeks
Next Course Start
*August 26, 2024
*Self-paced option is also available...
You can begin the course any time and go at your own pace.
$270 (40% discount if you sign up by Feb. 28th)
Valentine's Day Course Launch Discount!
What's Included
Day 1 of each week begins with a lesson covering the week's objective. The lessons include written text, instructional video(s), and various exercises, and will take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete.
Days 2-7 are for integrating the week's objective through various practices:
You'll follow a 30-minute guided morning practice to be completed at the beginning of each day.
You'll follow a 5-minute guided evening practice just before going to sleep.
You'll follow three additional 3 to 5-minute practice sessions throughout the day.
These practice sessions have been designed to be fun and uplifting.
Also, you can do them while you're doing other things so they won't impact your time.
Each week includes a live 2-hour question and answer video call with the instructor. (participation is optional)
You'll also gain access to a private Facebook group where you can begin connecting with other Conscious Creators.
CC-101: Creating "YOU",
The Alchemy of Conscious Creation
The first course in the series, this 8-week program will guide you though the basic principles of Conscious Creation (the art of consciously architecting your reality), and will provide you with a hands-on approach to practicing these principles so that you can begin the process of creating the "you" that you dream of being.
Take just a moment to think about the following:
You are the cumulative result of all of the choices you've made in your lifetime so far.
Every... single... choice you've ever made. Your health, your career, your relationships, your financial situation... every aspect of your life is exactly as it is today because of the choices (both active and passive) that you've made up until now. Let's take your body, for example. It is the way it is now because of the food you've chosen to eat, the way you've chosen to move it, the way you've chosen to sit, and to sleep, the personal care products you've chosen to use, the thoughts you've chosen to think about your body, the clothing you've chosen to wear, etc. Imagine that you had chosen to eat twice the amount of food for every meal of your life. Do you think your body would be different today? What if you had chosen to do a 15-minute brisk walk every day of your life. Do you think your body would be different for it?
Yes, of course it would.
Moment by moment, it's easy to convince ourselves that the small, seemingly insignificant choices we make every day don't really matter. But the truth is, they do matter... every single one of them make a difference in your life. Every single choice you make either takes you in the direction towards, or in the direction away from, the life that you desire. Like raindrops, they accumulate little by little until they are raging rivers. These everyday choices can turn into habits that are mindlessly repeated over and over again, eventually leaving us feeling helpless, out of control and lost in our own lives.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
You have always been the architect of your life. Choice by choice, you've built the life that you're living today. And if you're like most people, you haven't done so consciously nor intentionally, by acknowledging each choice as a building block for the life you intended to create. This course will teach you how to begin the practice of conscious creation - helping you to align your choices with your desires... thereby architecting each area in your life to bring you health, happiness, satisfaction and contentment.
Is this course for you?
In order to have success in the course, you only need these three things:
a desire to change one or more aspects of your life
the willingness to try something new
a commitment to dedicate 30-45 minutes per day on this course
It really is that easy. If you make it your priority to follow the course, you will succeed.
This program has been crafted to help anyone change the course of their life, regardless of their situation. You've found your way here and are now standing in the doorway of your future. Every choice you've made in your life has brought you right here, right now, reading this.
Is it a coincidence... or is it destiny? I call it synchronicity... the beautiful alignment of people in places and time that remind us that we are all ultimately and intricately connected to the fabric of the universe, awakening us to the magic of life, and inviting us to step up and take radical responsibility as co-creators of our life experiences and in our world.
It's no coincidence that you are here. And, if your next step is to sign up, then I can't wait to continue this journey with you!

6 Weeks
Next Course Start
*October 10, 2023
*Self-paced option is also available...
You can being the course any time and go at your own pace.
$216 (40% discount if you sign up by Feb. 28th)
Valentine's Day Course Launch Discount!
What's Included
Day 1 of each week begins with a lesson covering the week's objective. The lessons include written text, instructional video(s), and various exercises, and will take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete.
Days 2-7 are for integrating the week's objective through various practices:
Each day begins with a 15-minute morning routine, followed by 30 minutes of journalling.
You'll follow a 10-minute guided evening practice just before going to sleep.
You'll follow three additional 3 to 5-minute practice sessions throughout the day.
These practice sessions have been designed to be fun and uplifting.
Also, you can do them while you're doing other things so they won't impact your time.
Each week includes a live 90-minute question and answer video call with the instructor. (participation is optional)
You'll also gain access to a private Facebook group where you can continue connecting with other Conscious Creators.
CC-102: De-Coding and Re-Writing
Your Life Story
Are you ready to transform your life by understanding and rewriting the stories that shape your reality? This powerful 6-week course is designed to help you unlock the secrets to living a more fulfilled and authentic life.
We will delve into the teachings of ancient wisdoms from around the globe, as well as gain a better understanding of the mind as we contemplate the latest findings of modern-day brain science. With a deeper knowing of the importance of “your story”, you can begin to transform your life by de-coding re-writing the stories that have shaped who you are today.
By exploring how these time-tested teachings reveal the ways in which our minds construct reality, you'll gain the tools to consciously rewrite your narrative, moving from a place of limitation and unconscious patterns to one of empowerment and purpose. Through guided exercises, meditations, and reflective practices, you'll learn to recognize the stories that have held you back, release the weight of past traumas, break free from limiting patterns, and create a more fulfilled and authentic life?
Benefits of this course
In order to have success in the course, you will need the following three things:
Gain Clarity: Understand how your current narratives are shaping your life and learn how to see beyond the illusions created by the mind.
Empowerment: Learn practical tools from ancient wisdom traditions to consciously rewrite your life story and manifest the reality you desire.
Healing and Growth: Release old patterns and traumas, replacing them with stories that support your growth, happiness, and success.
Enhanced Perception: Shift from a limited, fear-based perspective to a more expansive and positive outlook on life.
Personal Transformation: Expect profound changes in your self-awareness, relationships, and overall sense of well-being as you align your life with deeper truths and higher wisdom.
By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to consciously shape your reality with intention and clarity, creating a life that resonates with your true potential and deepest desires. Join us and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation.
note: Course CC-101 is Recommended as a pre-requisite for this course. However, if you feel called to do this course as a stand-alone course, or if timing aligns better for doing this course first, you are welcome to join.

4 Weeks
Next Course Start
*Jan 24, 2024
*Self-paced option is also available...
You can being the course any time and go at your own pace.
$162 (40% discount if you sign up by Feb. 28th)
Valentine's Day Course Launch Discount!
What's Included
Day 1 of each week begins with a lesson covering the week's objective. The lessons include written text, instructional video(s), and various exercises, and will take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete.
Days 2-7 are for completing week's assignment through various exercises:
Becoming clear on what a fulfilling life looks like to you
Connecting to your natural talents
Crafting your Life Plan
These practice sessions have been designed to be fun and uplifting.
Also, you can do them while you're doing other things so they won't impact your time.
Each week includes a live 2-hour question and answer video call with the instructor. (participation is optional)
You'll also gain access to a private Facebook group where you can continue connecting with other Conscious Creators.
CC-103: You Are the Purpose of Your Life
Becoming Your Own Master
Have you ever had that feeling that you were meant for something greater than the life you're currently living? Have you ever experienced one of those moments where you felt a pang of loss deep inside, realizing that one or more aspects of your life are far from what you imagined them to be? If you have, you're not alone. In a recent world-wide study on regret, when asked "How often do you look back on your life and wish you had done things differently? " - only one percent of respondents said "never".
Regret is a powerfully strong emotion that all of us have felt at some point in our lives. It's so powerful, in fact, that if left unchecked it threatens to lower our vibrational state and steal our self-esteem, leaving us feeling impotent in our lives. Both regret an disappointment arise when an outcome is not what was intended, but with disappointment, we usually believe the outcome was outside of our control, while with regret we believe the outcome was caused by our own decisions or actions; we believe it’s our own fault.
Becoming Your Own Master is a course dedicated to helping you begin living a life without regrets. You are the purpose of your life, and you came here, not just to live just any life, but to live an extraordinary life, and to share your unique gifts with the world.
The word "Master" is defined as:
adjective - having or showing very great skill or proficiency
verb - acquire complete knowledge or skill in (a subject, technique, or art)
So, to be your own master would be to know and understand yourself, and to have great skill and proficiency in living in such a way that you reach your fullest potential. What could be more important than to become the master of your own life? There is no higher purpose than that. And that is why we say that YOU are the PURPOSE of YOUR LIFE.
This 4-week course will help you to discover and connect to your natural talents, to unlock your fullest potential, and to craft your LIFE PLAN so that you can begin living a regret-free life. Using the tools learned in CC-101, and applying your Life Script from CC-102, you'll design a Life Plan that promotes and fosters your unique expression of life-force energy in such a way that is personally rewarding to you and that contributes to humanity in a fashion worthy of becoming YOUR LEGACY to the world.
If you're ready to become your own life master, then this course is for you. Your age, your current life situation, your past... none of these things matter. You can create a new life for yourself starting from exactly where you are now. There will never be a more perfect time.
Is this course for you?
In order to have success in the course, you will need the following three things:
a desire to begin living a regret-free life
the willingness to try something new
a commitment to dedicate 60 minutes per day on this course
note: Courses CC-101 and CC-102 are recommended pre-requisites for this course. However, if you feel called to do this course as a stand-alone course, or if timing aligns better for doing this course first, you are welcome to join.
3-Course Bundle
I offer an additional 25% off if you purchase the 3-course bundle.
So, for $450, you can purchase this 3-course series.
You'll always have access to the full course material (including all updates). You can also join any scheduled courses that you've already attended as a refresher.
You'll also get access to an exclusive private Facebook group where you'll be able to connect with other
Conscious Creators.
And, finally, you'll get access to a live weekly coaching call
with me, Cali-Jāz (the course creator), for the duration of your course(s).
If you feel called to my courses, but your financial situation is a limiting factor, please contact me. I enjoy finding creative ways to create a win/win where hearts connect outside the bounds of money. There's always a way when the heart leads the way.
I hope to be able to inspire you to take your life to the next level.
Sign Up Request
Once you "Submit" your registration, you will receive an invoice within 24 hours at the email address you've provided.
Please check your spam folder.
After receiving the invoice, please process the payment as soon as possible to ensure your place in the course.
When payment has been received, you will receive confirmation via e-mail, including detailed instructions for getting started.
I look forward to joining you on the next
Chapter of Your Journey.
Copyright 2024 Luzami. All rights reserved.